The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib
Audible had a fantastic sale so I snagged a handful of books. Usually I pay $24.24 per month for my subscription and $36 for 3 additional credits. So typically I spend about $12 per book. So when the special offered books for $4 or $5 or $6 or $8, I dropped $70. This was one of them and was largely purchased because of the reviews and the overview. I figured that as I’m looking to launch something of my own, this could be some great supplementary material.
This is what marketing is. It doesn’t matter who you know if no one knows who you are or how you can provide value to them. As Grant Cardone says,
“Those who don’t know you, can’t flow you.” — Grant Cardone
Marketing is the strategy you use to get your ideal market to know you, like you, and trust you enough to become a customer.
This is essential and I’ve seen that people don’t often have determined the answers for these two questions; authors of some of the recent books I’ve gone through have echoed that also. It’s imperative that we go super in-depth though.
Developing the unique selling point:
1. Why should my customers buy?
2. Why should they buy from me?
We need clear, concise, and quantifiable answers.
Love this approach and I can totally see the impact that it has on people. This is definitely something that I’ll need to focus on more as I continue to meet new people and develop relationships with others.
Rather than answering the question what do you do? With a job title:
You know? Problem, we’ll what we do is… solution, in fact… proof.
Test and measure continuously, always always always. If we are doing something and do not know if it is working or not, why would we continue doing it??
For emotional direct response copywriting: research, write, then test and measure when doing copywriting.
I think that these are certainly vital elements. I love Gary Vaynerchuk and his content strategy slide deck (linked here) dubbed “The Garyvee Content Model.” It’s all about catering everything to our audience, the market is the most important piece of this and will greatly influence the other two elements of a successful campaign.
A successful marketing campaign has to get three vital elements correct:
1. The market
2. The message
3. The media
Some of these seemed pretty much like common sense to me like the first. I think that all good email campaigns incorporate all pieces listed below. The challenges that the author shared were certainly important. I have learned so much about all three of these things already through the work experience I have had and I wish that others had a greater understanding also. Imagine how much more efficient we could all be if everyone spent an hour or two studying how to write a good subject line…
Dos and don’ts of email:
DON’T spam, opt-in forms are critical
DO be human, keep it personal, write as if you’re emailing a single person
DO use a commercial email marketing system. Many services implement the necessary legalities.
DO email regularly to keep the relationship warm. At the very least monthly but best practice is closer to weekly. Their is no hard and fast rule.
DO give value. Make sure majority of emails are not sales pitches. A good ratio is 3 value building emails to every sales email.
DO automate so new subscribers can get automatic emails.
3 challenges:
1. Getting your email delivered, ensure the copy is not spammy
2. Getting your email opened, need a compelling subject line
3. Getting your email read, ensure that there is value being provided
Value value value. That’s it. It’s simple. Ask the question, “How can I provide value to this person?” And continue to ask that, over and over and over. The key is to genuinely and sincerely want to help the person or persons.
Become a marketing farmer:
1. Find people Interested in what you do, any kind of relevant, free information will work, positions you as an educator and expert rather than a salesperson.
2. Add them to your database.
3. Continually nurture them and provide them with value. Keep in contact regularly!!! Send value, value, and more value until your customers are ready to buy.
Love it. Overpromise and over deliver. That’s the way.
High growth companies are not timid with their offers. They take risks, use compelling copy, and make OUTRAGEOUS guarantees. The fundamentals never change: more compelling and more frequent offers equals rapid business growth.
Need all three of these and as the author shared, it is very rare for a person to be able to do all three on their own. Do you know which one you are? I’m still trying to determine which of these I most closely align with, I see parts of myself in all three.
3 major types of people needed for a successful business:
1. Entrepreneur — the visionary or ideas person
2. Specialist — the implementer or the entrepreneur’s vision
3. Manager — the person who makes sure everything runs effectively and the vision is on track. They make it recur.
This is something that I’m learning more and more and seeing in action. As I look to hire an assistant at some point in 2020, this will be a primary focus for me. Done well is always better than not complete.
“If someone can do the necessary task 80% as well as you could, then you should delegate it.” — Allan Dib
I intend to implement some style of this as I have a company in the future. I know that it’s essential that everyone is rewarded for hard work and providing incentives for any sales is going to be an essential aspect of that process.
It should be clear to everyone that regardless of their job responsibility, making sales is their job. Every staff member at some stage will have the opportunity to positively or negatively impact a sale. There should be an incentive program that rewards sales regardless of who or where they come from.
I enjoyed this book. It was quick and to the point and provided a lot of valuable content throughout. While I am not sure what exactly my marketing plan and strategy will be in the short term, these takeaways will surely be a great resource throughout the process. Often, I see people under thinking. Action is important but you can row your boat as hard as you want to, if you’re facing away from land, you’re going to be rowing meaninglessly.
I gave this book a 3.5/5