2020 Birthday Gratitude List
Here are the 23 things that I am grateful for this year:

I started this in 2019 and have made it an annual endeavor. Each year I will create a list of one thing that I am grateful for to go along with each year of life — this year I put together a list of 23 things.
After creating this list I went back and reviewed the 22 things that I wrote the year prior.
In 2019 I turned 22 and wanted to make my first birthday gratitude list.medium.com
What I particularly liked was the centeredness between both lists, I understand how small I am in this world and I also understand that I am God’s divine creation — just like each of us are.
Here are the 23 things that I am grateful for this year:
1. The relationship with Julia
2. Good health
3. Strong disciplines
4. The ability to read the Bible
5. The thirst to read Scripture, Psalm 42:1
6. Moving music
7. Comfortable rest
8. Adequate transportation
9. A roof
10. A balanced diet with fresh fruit
11. A mind that yearns to learn
12. Accountability, especially to Scripture
13. Education
14. Physical exercise and the ability to better myself
15. People that take the time and make the effort to stay connected
16. Obstacles and challenges that foster strength building and maturation
17. Languages and the ability to speak multiculturally
18. Those who take time to teach things that may be of future value
19. Books — material that has been compiled and expanded and meditated upon extensively
20. Five senses with which I can view and feel the world
21. Connection to purpose and a continuously greater understanding of my God-given mission
22. Nature and the overwhelming beauty God used to create everything
23. Life and the understanding that every day truly is the best day of my life

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