A Birthday Gratitude List

The book “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel H. Pink was one that I completed at the beginning of the year. However, I recently reviewed my notes from it and the birthday gratitude list stood out to me. He challenged readers to spend some time on their birthday and list something they’re grateful for — one thing for each year of life.

This year I turned 22 and wanted to make my first gratitude list. Here are the 22 things that I am grateful for this year:

22 years old

  1. Knowing where my next meal is coming from
  2. Having a bed to sleep in
  3. Healthy and consistent fitness habits
  4. Literacy and the opportunity to read books of my choice
  5. Connectivity to my family and friends when thousands of miles apart from them
  6. Continued education through a university
  7. Ability to practice Christianity freely and openly in the US
  8. The confidence people have in me
  9. A positive mindset
  10. People that have been through life before me and are willing to share their experiences
  11. The art of asking for help and having people that will say yes
  12. An abundance mindset
  13. Discipline and focus on goals
  14. The opportunity to do whatever it is I want
  15. Self-awareness
  16. Freedom to speak about whatever it is I desire
  17. The understanding that while I have the freedom to speak, each action has a reaction
  18. Knowledge that continues to grow and grow
  19. Time that can be used for whatever I desire
  20. Support from those around me, and even those not around me
  21. Kindness and the habit of being kind to whomever it is that I encounter
  22. My identity

What comes to mind when you think about gratitude?
What are you grateful for?

Read this article on the original source.

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