Beginning Each Morning in the Word

I want to wake up and get active — no distractions. Why stay in bed when I have things to do?

Since Father’s Day 2019

It’s become more than simply a daily discipline at this point. Reading the Bible every morning is now more of a centering and grounding activity.

Some mornings I wake up and I am excited to read my Bible and grow closer to my heavenly Father.

Other mornings I wake up and I just want to get my day started. I don’t want to spend 10–25 minutes in the Word. But I still do. I intentionally begin that time with a prayer that my eyes can be opened, ears can listen, and heart can be softened. I ask God that I can hear Him speaking through His Word.

When I started I began by reading through Joshua.

That was great. I enjoyed the journey of Joshua and understanding at a greater level all the things that God did through him during his life.


As I’ve shared in a few previous pieces of writing, I really got into my Bible reading again after Pastor Tom Mullins shared on Father’s Day that a man should:

1. Know the truth
2. Model the truth
3. Live out the truth

The first of those three things, he emphasized, is knowing the truth.

That means knowing the Word.

He made it simple and I took that and ran with it — 1 chapter of Proverbs, 1 chapter of the gospel, 1 chapter of Paul’s Letters.

First, I read Proverbs 1, Matthew 1, and 1 Corinthians 1.

I continued.

Now, I’m reading a chapter of Proverbs, a chapter from the New Testament, and a chapter from the Old Testament.

That’s why sometimes this morning discipline and quiet time takes only 10 minutes and why other days it takes 20 minutes or more.

I always begin by reviewing the previous day’s reading and briefly reflecting upon the previous verses I’ve highlighted or commented on.

Next, I move into the day’s reading and as mentioned, often seek God’s guidance and wisdom throughout my reading.


The more I read, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I want to learn.

For years I’ve been using the Bible app on my phone and following some of the shorter devotionals. I would read and go through but not spend much time in reflection — if any.

But today, it’s much more focused.

Some days I will read my devotional first and others I will dive right into the Word first, it’s all dependant upon how I’m feeling or where I feel led that morning.

Then one of my mentors suggested that I should close my evenings with a Psalm — so I do.

I’ve been doing that for over half a year now and love beginning and ending my day in the Word of God.

The reason for this may not be as it seems.

Yes, it deepens my relationship with God.

Yes, I learn more about who God is and more Scripture.

Yes, I became more faith-focused in my life.

But really, the reason that I love to begin and end my days in the Bible is to remain focused.

We see so many marketing messages, talk to so many people, and witness so many injustices on a daily basis that it is far too easy to be led astray.

I’m on a mission — I can’t be allowed to be led astray.

As a result, I must intentionally center and ground myself in what I believe.

People do this in different ways and that’s okay — none of us are identical.

I know my truth and I’m going to pursue it each and every day.


I have found that after writing on Medium for now 18 months, my writing has become much more faith-oriented.

This honestly isn’t a surprise.

“Over the past 18 months, my enter life has become much more faith-oriented.”

I am who I am and that has never changed.

What has changed is how I view this life, how I view others, and how I view why I’m alive.

“‪You cannot reap anything until you sow everything and put in the work‬.” — Harrison Wendland

“You’re always going to be lost when you try to find something in others that is already within you.” — Harrison Wendland

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