Blank Space

This article was a blank document before I typed anything.
I had thoughts about what to write — I always do.
But, the thoughts would not have meant anything if I had not taken the time to begin to write and create.
“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” — James Sherman
Likewise, we were all blank slates when born.
God has implanted within each of us at the time of creation, different skills, talents, passions, profit centers, and of course, purposes.
A life calling might be a piano teacher, is that person any less successful than the star for the Real Madrid soccer team who makes upwards of $50 million annually? No, they are working and living for their higher purpose.
As a disciple, we are working not for ourselves but for something greater. Why is it that a sales goal reached as a department is so much more rewarding than by yourself? Why is it that a classroom where students want to be active learners is so much more rewarding than lectures? Why is it that a hospital whose staff communicates fluidly and saves lives is more rewarding than a surgeon who by himself or herself transplants hearts?
There is a beauty in teamwork. There is a beauty and a driving force in the way that teamwork is carried out that allows for people to achieve more and experience more. We were not meant to live life alone.
Each day that we wake up is a blessing to experience.
Each day is a blank slate with 24 hours to use and we determine what we want to do with the time.
What picture are you drawing today? Hopefully… a masterpiece.

Each day that we live combines and compounds to create a lifetime.
While we cannot begin our lives again, we can take what we have and use our past experiences, insights, and gained knowledge to create a masterpiece.
“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” — James Sherman