Getting the Right Answers
“We don’t always see eye to eye so I’ll listen to his guidance but if I don’t agree, I’ll get an answer from someone else.”
I watched some of the interview that President Trump had with the President of Barstool Sports.
One thing that Donald Trump said struck me a little differently. It’s something that I have seen in practice in many different areas.
In regards to his relationship with Dr. Anthony Fauci, he goes, “We don’t always see eye to eye so I’ll listen to his guidance but if I don’t agree, I’ll get an answer from someone else.”
I think that’s the most important thing that anyone can do, but especially a leader.
This was also on the mind when I recently watched the movie Vice. that was all about Dick Cheney and how he became VP to George W. Bush. Particularly interesting to me was his incredible desire for power. It was unmatched.
One thing that he did quite effectively (moral or not) was relentlessly pursue his own agenda. He continued to find counsel that would verify what he believed to be true.
Cheney focused on his own agenda more than the good of the group and that was highlighted extensively in the movie also. He knew that if he were to give a contract to the oil company he was previously part of, their stock would skyrocket. Was that in the best interest of the country? The best interest of the company? I can’t say — I don’t have full information. But, I can say that giving the contract to that oil company was undoubtedly in his own best interest.
The movie, Vice, showed that there were others who sought to counsel Cheney (and Bush) away from declaring war on Iraq but Cheney wouldn’t hear it. He continued to seek out people who would verify the view that he held.
Back to Trump
He does the same thing — but for different reasons.
One thing that recently was discussed publicly was something of a statement that he made.
It was said that Donald Trump had shared that he intentionally tried to downplay the severity of the coronavirus because he didn’t want people to panic.
Do you agree with that?
It doesn’t matter what you agree with, that’s what happened. Now, here’s why it did.
The following from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:
Pg. 176, The fear of ill health
During the “flu” epidemic which broke out during the World War, the mayor of New York City took drastic steps to check the damage which people were doing themselves through their inherent fear of ill health. He called in the newspapermen and said to them, “Gentlemen, I feel it necessary to ask you not to publish any scare headlines concerning the “flu” epidemic. Unless you cooperate with me, we will have a situation which we cannot control.” The newspapers quit publishing stories about the “flu,” and within one month the epidemic had been successfully checked.
The question is, did Donald Trump use the same approach?
But here’s what also happened.
I’m someone who doesn’t consume a ton of news. I get some headlines on my phone through push notifications and I see a number of things on Twitter. I also work in an office with 30 other people so they talk about numerous things.
So I rarely actually read or seek out news but I STILL saw negative headlines about the coronavirus DAILY. The death rate! The transmission rate! The survivability! The danger!
It was (and still is) ridiculous.
This whole coronavirus (that’s already mutated a number of times) is definitely a threat, but at what level?
That’s, again, tough to say. But if I’m being honest I think that President Trump has the BEST information out of everyone in the world. His position requires the fullest information possible and he has the director of the CDC speaking into his ear also (who is supposed to be the expert on these, right?).
Circumstances do not actually mean that much, quit complaining. This is the same kind of thing that I wrote about a few…
I’m confident that the President receives tens of hundreds of unique opinions every single day.
That’s all good and well-intentioned.
But, when you have the best information and the fullest information and review the data for yourself… there are going to be tons of opinions and perspectives that are not consistent with the determined direction and elected guidance.
We are so good at excuses. We use the word “but” all too frequently. “I was going to run BUT it was raining.” They say. No, you were going to run AND it was raining. Get it done.
Remember early, I shared a quote from Donald Trump in regards to the CDC director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, “We don’t always see eye to eye so I’ll listen to his guidance but if I don’t agree, I’ll get an answer from someone else.”
When you have reviewed the information yourself and developed a conclusion, as the person with the final word on direction, it is expected that there can be the ability to disagree and commit.
Most people either cannot or choose not to disagree and commit.
Many people will only commit to what they agree with… and I’m going to tell you definitively, that comes from a point of weakness.
It is a position of strength to commit to something that you don’t fully agree with. This is now all about power.
Who makes the decision about what is right and what is second best?
That needs to be understood.
People don’t see that and do not want to see that.
I work for an incredibly intelligent managing director. He often knows exactly what to do in every situation and why. Is he right 100% of the time? No, absolutely not. Sometimes, he’s way off.
But that comes with leadership and if after receiving counsel from the people who work within the company, he sticks to the position that he initially elected, there is nothing wrong with that — people need to commit to that position also.
He is someone who much like the president, knows where to find what he’s looking for.
That’s a true strength.
As I emphasized earlier, if you review data for yourself and land on a conclusion, there are always others who share that perspective.
But if you want to see just how inconsistent people are… try to determine if eating eggs in the morning is a healthy decision for you.
Some people say that eggs are bad because of the cholesterol.
Some people say that eggs are good because of the protein.
Some people say that eggs are… good because of the cholesterol.
Some people say that eggs are bad because of the sodium.
You have to think critically for yourself… or don’t.
Just keep in mind that if you don’t think critically for yourself you will be easily led astray and you will end up somewhere you don’t want to be.
That’s it.
If you don’t like the answer that you’re getting… ask someone else.
Actors are told they should never have a certain role… ask another director and become a star.
Athletes are told they are not talented in a certain position… switch teams and become a star.
Salespeople are told they can not lead a company… quit and become a star.
Just remember that if nobody else sees what you see that just means you haven’t found them.
Obviously, there could be occasions where we are so far off base that we are definitely wrong, but that’s where effective critical thinking comes into play.
“If a leader cannot control their own emotions, how can they expect to control anything else. Leaders who lose their temper lose respect.” — Jocko Willink
“There is one quality that trumps all, evident in virtually every great entrepreneur, manager, and leader. That quality is self-awareness. The best thing leaders can do to improve their effectiveness is to become more aware of what motivates them and their decision-making.” — Anthony Tjan
“Respect resilience. Express gratitude. Remember perspective.” — Harrison Wendland
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