Recall Your Brain? don’t do it, it’s NEVER too late.

Lots of things get recalled in today’s world:

What else?

The reason for recalls might be a lot of different things.

We might not always agree with the recalls or think that they’re very important.

But, they happen.

Today though, I’m not talking about those types of recalls. I’m talking about recalling your brain.

When I place brain and recall in the same sentence, I presume the first reaction and response is that we are recalling information.

While that is something I believe is quite important, that is not where I am focusing today.

I’m focusing on a literal recall of your brain.

You might think that’s crazy. You might think that would never happen. But… do you ever pay attention to what someone over 70, 60, 50, or even 40 tells you?

“Wow. I can’t remember anything anymore, my brain is just not working anymore.”
“Oh my, I forgot again, I always forget things now.”
“My brain isn’t as quick as it used to be.”


They’re recalling their brain. They’re telling us, and themselves, they want to get rid of the brain they have — at least that’s the messaging they’re sending…

Almost all limiting beliefs about self, others or what is possible in life and business are formed during childhood whilst the brain is rapidly growing and developing (Thinkercafe). With that in mind, we need to be aware of what we are doing and what we have been doing, as well as how that affects us as a person.

Joel Osteen wrote in his book The Power of I Am, “All through the day, you need to ask yourself, ‘Is what I’m about to say what I want to come into my life?’ Because what you’re saying, you’re inviting in.”

So do you really want to invite that your brain is slowing down?

I know that I do not.

I will run in the opposite direction.

Our subconscious mind has NO filter.

The subconscious mind is so so so powerful. I attached a link here that goes into more detail on the subconscious mind.

All that we say, all that we think, all that we do, is communicated to our subconscious.

What we think, grows.
What we think, we become.

If you want your mind to slow down as you age, tell yourself it’s already happening — just don’t expect me to join you.

I will do what Émile Coué taught his patients in the early 1900s.

I will say, “Day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”

In the Bible, Abraham and Sarah were nearly 100 years old by the time they were blessed with a son.
Warren Buffett attained more than 90% of his wealth after turning 60.

“We are what we repeatedly do….” Aristotle
“Day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” — Émile Coué

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