Traveling Pt. 2, Domestically

I’m not one to show up to the airport early.
Usually, I’ll be to the airport maybe 50–60 minutes before takeoff, just in time to check a bag at the front desk.
I aim to fit everything solely within a duffel bag and a backpack, but that continues to be a struggle. By the time I put a few pairs of shoes in my (large) Nike duffel bag, it’s nearly full.
Most of the time lately I have been traveling to either the midwest or northeast. Flying out of Palm Beach International is such a breeze. I usually cut it kinda close and if I don’t have a bag to check, I get there 40–45 minutes before takeoff.
I have never missed a flight and never even had to run to a flight.
Domestic flights are different for me compared to international ones. Security is so different compared to the places I’ve traveled in Europe. Everything seems more inefficient and difficult.
The things I bring are usually pretty much the same. I stuff my backpack with numerous things.
I always begin with my laptop, tissue, mints, and a charging case for my iPhone.
Following that up will be the book that I’m currently reading, the next one or two on the list, and my journals.
I always have pens and highlighters in my backpack as well as nail clippers, an iPhone charger, and a water bottle (though I empty it before going through security).
In the other bag or bags that I bring along with me, I look to squeeze everything in. The carry-on bag is nice for me, I can put all the extra heavy things, like books or electronics, there and the rest in my checked bag, if I have one.
I learned the hard way that Norwegian Air has a weight limit for even the carry-on bags and I was slapped with a $101 fee for my duffel bag and backpack. I’m very happy that American, United, JetBlue, and Delta don’t do that. Though… there are flight tickets with restrictions on carry-on baggage…

To avoid that whole conundrum, I just board in an earlier group or zone. If I’m group 9, I board group 4, 5, or 6. That way, I know for sure that I can bring my carry-on onto the plane.
I also always download the mobile app for the airline so that the only person seeing my ticket, is me.
Once on the plane, I have the water bottle that I just refilled with water and some snacks.
After takeoff, I always ask the flight attendants to fill up my entire water bottle, usually, they comply and allow me to do so.
If you’re familiar with Michael Breus’s book, The Power of When, and sleep chronotypes (quiz linked here to determine yours), I am a lion. As a result, I’m very productivity-driven and have difficulty sleeping on planes.
While I listen to music throughout the airport, my plane rides generally include reading, writing, audiobooks (while playing monopoly, chess, or sudoku), and eating.

The “normal” day when I travel domestically is quite different from when I travel to another country. The daylight hours vary greatly. In England, the days were long. Seemingly much longer than the 12 hours or so that it is sunny for in Florida, (though I know in places like Alaska it can sometimes be sunny for 20 hours a day).
People I meet are different. I often meet people from out of the country, and most recently while in Philadelphia, I spoke to a couple from Austria.
The people I’m with are different from when I’m abroad. The past few countries that I have gone to, I was with my university or solo.
But, when I travel within the US, I go to see family, my significant other, or travel with them.
My days look quite different, I don’t just meander around and head wherever it is that I am going to. Typically, I plan a few things that I want to do and let others I’m seeing and spending time with plan the rest.
As I now have lived away from most of my family for years, the trips tend to revolve around them spending time with me and doing things they either want to show me or have me take part in alongside them.
I usually feel unproductive during these trips. I’m around the people I love so I want to give them 100%. At the same time, I seek to write 3 articles each week and do a number of other things.
The balance of that is still something I struggle with, though I’m sure as I continue to mature and grow, a comfortable balance will be more evident to me.
I love spending time with loved ones, and I love having the ability to travel to them, usually by plane. I am so blessed to have not only the physical ability, by plane, but the financial ability to purchase plane tickets. As I grow older and my earning increases, I strive to increase the frequency of domestic travel, and thus, family visits also.

While I do love traveling, going through airports can be quite a hassle sometimes. I do not particularly enjoy lugging everything through the airport and waiting in line to go through security.
Private jets seem cool. Definitely a great way to travel. I know of people like Jesse Itzler use them all the time.
I know of people like Grant Cardone who have their own.
Maybe that’s something worth acquiring in the future? Maybe. We’ll see.
If I bought a jet, would you travel with me? Where are we going?