Trick or Treat—31 lines of a few rhymes

31 lines of a few rhymes — Trick or treat.

Trick or treat

I hope I meet

Someone who can help

That will hear my yelp

When I cry out for help

Who will come with help

People think it’s easy

I find that quite cheezy

It’s work that gets it done

After work, well then you’ve won

It’s not about learning

It’s all about earning

Earning an opportunity

Of those, there are truly plenty

Nobody is the same

They may forget my name

But to me, it’s all the same

I’m not doing anything for fame

Trick or treat

I hope I meet

The self I am becoming to be

Until then, I continue to be me

And much later on, I will be

Me, me, and again, I’ll be me

Trick or treat

I hope I meet

The me I am meant to be

The me I know I can be

God bless.

He’ll do the rest.

I think that we put on masks, costumes, and false personas much too often. Many people likely even live their whole lives without understanding who God wants them to be. Who are you? Who am I? Who are we?

I’m not sure.

But someone does… God.

God is the master creator, the master potter, He is forming us, it’s time to trust Him and let Him reveal to us who we truly are.

After all, God designed us as He did for a reason!

“If you seek answers you won’t find them, but if you seek God, the answers will find you.” — Mark Batterson

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