Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson
3 Bullet Book: 2020, book #58: “Expect change to happen, look for it, trust instinct, sense when change was going to occur, and be able to adapt to change.” — Spencer Johnson

Finished on July 27, 2020
This was a book that was on my list for a while. Our CFO at the time told me that it was one of his favorite books so I got it the next day. It was definitely a good book. There were some great actionable takeaways and main points that we can reflect on and implement into our lives. Especially for such a short and concise book, that’s always great to see. I was very quickly able to see why so many people call this book one of the most impactful they’ve read.
The 3 Bullets
1. The author focused on a story and then continued to zoom out and add perspective with insightful comments. The emphasis of the story was on the contrast between the two characters and their reactions. It was, of course, a great reminder that while we might experience the same thing as someone else, we might also have a totally different reaction.
2. “Noting small changes early helps you adapt to the new changes that come.” Every day, something is going to be different from what it was before. If you’re gaining 3 pounds every week, that’s over 150 pounds in a year. If you don’t notice until month 12, you’re going to be in a much tougher spot than if you noticed at week 12. As the adage goes, “change is the one constant.”
3. Finally, the author emphasizes a great question, “Where are you more likely to find what you’re looking for? Where you’ve always been or somewhere you’ve never been?” It’s, again, as the adage goes, “To get what you’ve never had, you’ll have to do what you’ve never done.” It’s all about action and accepting that no matter what we do in life, changes are taking place around us all the time. We need to position ourselves in a way that enables us to achieve what we’re working towards and overcome all obstacles in the process.
Where are you more likely to find what you’re looking for? Where you’ve always been or somewhere you’ve never been?
Expect change to happen, look for it, trust instinct, sense when change was going to occur, and be able to adapt to change.
Noting small changes early helps you adapt to the new changes that come.
In the story, Sniff and Scurry were two mice who adapted and looked for new cheese within the maze. Hem and Haw were two miniature people also in the maze who hemmed and hawed and tried to understand why someone moved their cheese when they needed it.
I gave this book a 4/5
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